Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Magic Jack is smoke and mirrors

Just in case you are thinking about getting the Magic Jack, don't bother. I bought the Magic Jack from a Radio Shack in Austin, Texas and took it to Belize with me. I set it up and it actually did work for a couple of calls. That's where thinks went wrong. 

I've been online chatting twice now with technical support. To their credit, they tried to be helpful. We actually got it up and running last time. HOWEVER, once again it doesn't work. You dial and it immediately hangs up.  It will do this repeatedly.  Maybe it will work inside of the USA but here in Central America it seems like a bad joke. 

So you spend time with customer service and that time adds up. It's not worth the hassle of "upgrading to Vista" and rebooting it this often. Now that I'm here in Central America for the next few months, I probably won't get a refund when I get back. I'm also sure that they'll have some excuse concocted.




  1. Nice images, nice shots. Give me a shout if you're ever in Orange Walk.

  2. Came across your blog through Google. BTL (Belize Telecomunication Limited) blocks VOIP from inside Belize. It blocks skype, free call...everything, so this is not Magic Jack's fault.
