Tuesday, July 22, 2008

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

This morning was interesting. My new girlfriend has decided to let me know that she is going to fart in bed from now on. I didn’t know it was such a big deal. Evidently, she’s been holding it in and has caused quite a bit of pain for the last two days. I did see her sit up in bed and double over in cramps a couple of times last night.

I laughed pretty hard and it embarrassed her even more. She told me that she tried to let one out on the sly while I was sleeping and I’m told that I yanked my hand off her ass and rolled over like a croc in a death roll. That’s why she’s been sleeping so badly.

It’s 3pm and I just got done meeting with Kimberly at Starbucks and we decided to a blog together. Maybe it’ll make some money. Who knows? Anyway, Liz works at an art gallery in San Miguel de Allende. I stopped in and found out that she was going to lunch with some guy to “trade books”. She offered to let me come along. I did. I felt like I was intruding on a date. Ricardo definitely wants to play “hide the chorizo” with my chick. My first Mexican cock block maneuver. I feel complete.

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