Friday, July 25, 2008

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Yesterday I went to Liz’s neighbor with her. His name is Francisco and he’s pretty solid kind of guy. Sure enough, we found out that Ulysses wrote “bitch” on another neighbor’s wall and has been having trouble with Francisco’s girl too. I guess everyone knows that Ulysses is trouble. Basically the neighborhood boys are protecting the girls from Ulysses and probably just hunting him down for sport. I really can’t blame them because I want to kick his ass. There had to be at least two dozen kids out last night in 4 -5 different groups. ALL the kids were having fun. The only kid that wasn’t outside was Ulysses. Last night I got my back scratched and a shoulder rub.

Right now I’m trying my new Mexican foot powder called “Pedi PIE”. The last time I used a foot powder from south of the border, my chronic athletes foot went away in days! I’ve tried all the other ones in the USA. Some were very expensive. This stuff is 8% boric acid and 8% zinc oxide and would probably make a fairly good insecticide as it is. It’s the second day of my de-worming process.

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