Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Deli Food and God’s Little Toilets

I’ve found that many of the restaurants really aren’t that great. Many are overpriced and serve bland small portions. Lately I’ve been eating “deli food” at Saint Francis Grocery of Tulum. Didn’t know that one of the saints owned a grocery store, huh? For example, yesterday I stopped in and got a kilo of cooked rice and a half kilo of riblets in salsa for about $60 pesos. It’s enough to get three meals. My bottled water is $5.00 for 1.5 liters.

I also just discovered that the pervasive little “crab holes” in the mangroves of Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve(4 inches in diameter) are quite convenient. They are the perfect “cat holes”! No muss. No fuss. Just squat, aim, and squeeze. Put the toilet paper in there and bury the hole by moving debris over it. I just hope a crab doesn’t pop out trying to take off a nut. Of course, it’s probably not ecologically sound but who gives a crap (hah, I made a funny).

I wrapped up Hidden Worlds Cenotes and got paid $5000.00 MXP. It’s really not enough money. It also now looks like I’ve got to shoot Amansala AND La Zebra before I leave. It’s going to be tight. I tried several times but couldn’t reach John from La Zebra to try get started. If all goes well I’ll have 5-6 hotels scheduled to shoot when I get back in October. This evening it’s remedial salsa classes at Zamas.

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