Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tulum, Mexico

It’s been a couple of days since I’ve written anything. I’ve been working pretty hard shooting Hidden Worlds Cenotes. That’s been a pain in the ass. It’s really a worst case scenario shooting here and technically very difficult in post processing. Dark places with people moving really fast. Damn. I’ve most of the way through it but I need more time. I shot a sample for Cabanas Tulum also and sealed the deal for a shoot in October. Earlier this evening, I closed the deal for two other jobs too! I got both La Zebra and Mezzanine.

On another note, I’ve taken two salsa classes now. I really like it. I still suck but I’m getting better at it and most importantly I enjoy it. Right along that line of thought, Liz (my salsa dancing honey) text messaged me that she misses me and wants me around. Cool! I do miss her too. I messaged back that I’ll call soon as I get a chance.

Of course as life would have it, I also got an email from the Universal American School-Kuwait today. They are hiring immediately for a special education teacher! Those that know me have heard me talk about getting a teaching job in Kuwait long ago. I replied back that I’m interested in a phone interview. They offer tax free competitive wages, free housing, and more. I may have to move my little fledgling photography business over there! I wonder if I can get Salsa and Spanish lessons in Kuwait City. I wonder if I can get into Iraq and take pictures.

Right now, it’s getting dark. I’m watching some novice campers (two girls and a guy) set up camp about 20 feet from me. It’s important to point out that they could have picked any place else since there’s no one else here. The other side of the beach would have been a good place for them. I guess I look safe. Oh well, I can feel the ocean salt in the wind and hear the waves crash right in front of me. Damn that is one big fucking tent. I guess I should give them a light to finish setting up.

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