Thursday, November 13, 2008

Food for thought...

Yesterday I met a gal from Austrailia. Her name is Claire Vanderplank. That's a mouthful isn't it? Anyway, she's biking from Cancun, Mexico to the tip of Argentina and her website is Cycling for Cohesion.  Check out her blog.  She spent a couple of days here at Midas Resort before moving on.  Nice gal.

What an interesting thought.  I've been bouncing this one around since I met two Germans driving around the world.  Hmmmm.... I can drive to Argentina and back.  I think I'm up for it.  No one seems to die and everyone seems to be having fun.

They come in all forms for this one. Two teams on motorcycles. One team in a beefed up 4x4. One retired couple in "wombat". The wombat is an RV that resembles a military transport (six very large wheels)  more than a civilian vehicle. I want one now.

I think that I might be able to save some money and combined with working my way along as a photographer I might actually make it. It's kind of funny. All the foreigners that actually travel as I do find the people friendly and feel generally safe in Central and South America. All the people that don't travel find them unfriendly and the places unsafe. It's some good food for thought.

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