Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Call Me "El Gordo"

I've been a photographer approaching a year now and it's starting to show. Living in hotels, eating vast amounts of free food, and inactivity are starting to take it's toll. I weighed in yesterday at 192 lbs.  I'm not used to going over 180 lbs.  I'm not fat but I'm not in shape.  I need to get back into shape but a my busy little life continually evolves.

Bearing this information in mind, I'd like to share a new methodology to pick guides when out in the field.  Other than the normal parameters such as honesty, integrity, and intelligence, I recommend using Body Mass Index (BMI).  A BMI rating system allows you to effectively choose the level of cardiovascular activity you will encounter on demanding treks and activities. Of course this is all relative to how fat and old you and the proposed guide are so adjust accordingly.

You will find that although good guides will always slow down to your pace, you will always be pushed if the guide is a skinny little bastard. Instead of snapping the him in half just learn to choose better. 

Guide's BMI 

Less than 18.5:  skinny fucker and heavy cardio (slow him down by making him carry gear)
18.5 - 25:  normal and moderate cardio 
25 - 30:  chubby and hiking is easier for you
More than 30:  heart attack victim and you breathe easy



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