Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pine Ridge, Cayo District, Belize: Thousand Foot Falls

Thousand Foot Falls is not bad at all. Most of the view of the Maya Mountains show a very gradual climb in altitude. I thought it would be uninteresting. I was pleasantly surprised.  It's just past Hidden Valley Inn. The roads pretty much suck most of the way. I guess it's about a 25-30 mile drive one way. The closest gas station would be in San Ignacio Town, Belize. The drive will take 1 1/3 hours each way. 

The property is now government owned and maintained. I found one guy working there. It's still not quite the busy season yet and he had one visitor yesterday. There were three buildings. One was the gift shop, another was a decent covered area  with picnic tables and chairs, another was for scientists that never come there..  You've got a few dozen steps leading down to a vista. It's well built but definitely not handicap accessible. The covered area is accessible though.

The view is decent but partial. You can only see the first few hundred feet and then the water simply disappears into the gorge. The terrain is rugged below with steep cliffs. I wish I could have gotten a full view of the falls but that only happens with a helicopter ride.  I hope one day that they'd build a hiking trail to the bottom. Now that would make this area a truly worthy destination instead of a side trip. It's an easy self guided trip. The entrance cost is $2.00 BZ or $1.00 USD.



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