Thursday, December 4, 2008

Never a dull moment

This place is nuts. Last night one of my friends here was "evicted" by his ex-wife (aka: "the bitch").  Actually he's part owner in a really nice beach house here in Tulum. This seems to be an ongoing saga of seven years. Everyone here seems to think the process was pretty much illegal and he'll get the property back. However, it does show some really crazy shit here in Tulum when it comes to property. 

It doesn't seem difficult for a person with any flimsy reason to come in with a court order and evict someone. So far I've heard of the following:

1.  The army called in to evict hotel guests in several hotels because the national park system has claim to land.
2.  The infamous ex-wife invaded the beach house property twice. She was unsuccessful the first time and successful the second time (so far).
3.  The family of a dead drug lord claiming property and going in and taking it back from a local hotelier and keeping it.
4.  A neighboring land owner invading a hotel (under construction) twice and finally getting kicked out.

It's like a perverse game of "King of the Hill".  It's a grand game where each opposing side gathers together an "invasion team", gets a flimsy document of some sort, and moves in. I don't think it's like this everywhere but here the property is worth millions for a tiny parcel of land by saltwater.



1 comment:

  1. One of my afterthoughts on this matter is the need to defend your wealth very zealously around here. You should have someone living on your property or stopping be to check it out if you can't be here yourself.
