Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Flying over Tulum...

view Panoramic photography of Mexico

Nothing will clarify a geographic area in your mind better than a flight over an area. I recommend it if it's in your budget. It's not in mine but I was lucky enough to be included in this little trip with RJ of REMAX Paradise Properties. 

Some people don't like small planes but I love the feeling of flopping around in the air like a bug hanging on to the tail of a kite! You recognize that you're not in a developed country when they offer to take off the door of the plane so you can take better pictures. No safety instructions are given. It's up to you to have enough sense to use a seat belt. I've included an arial shot of the Tulum Ruins below. Life is good without a door on your plane.

We cruised from Playa del Carmen along the coast to Tulum and circled the area a bit inspecting a client's property. The city of Tulum definitely has plans to expand the area. It will be another Playa del Carmen in a few years. The one thing I'll probably remember is the different shades of blue in the ocean extending hundreds of miles. You can see the city of Tulum in the background here with the Tulum ruins in the middle right along the coastline.


Benedict Kim

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics! My husband and I actually flew in a helicopter with the doors off in Kauai on our honeymoon. It was awesome! Guess even the "developed" countries do it. ;)
