Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Service American Style...

I am usually amazed at the lengths that some waiters and waitresses will go to let you know that they are attending to you. I don't frequent the high dollar establishments. I wish I could. Oh well. Here's commentary on main stream American dining since I've been here for a bit again.

I go into a restaurant (main stream ones) and the thing that I've noticed more than anything else is the staff wants to pour that glass of water or serve that Pepsi while in front of you. Most seem to have routine down. I have to wait a little extra for the show to commence. You know that they've got to get the angle on you for the best tip.

In contrast, I really enjoy my Indian buffets. Not just for the value but the insanely good service. I'm still not sure how they do it but they do. I leave my table for the buffet. By the time I get back everything I want is there. No show. No bullshit. Just insanely good service. Water is refilled before I can verbalize the thought. Plates disappear by magic.  And look, one of the staff is always watching and waiting. No cigarette breaks or disappearances. I always tip better there. I feel I should.



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