Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Online in Belize

One of the most frustrating things about Belize is the speed of the internet here. SLOW. Hell these people didn't get television until 80's. Yes, later than 1980. I think one of the major problems here is the complete monopoly of the telephone system. It's not even a quasi-utility. It's probably to the point where where this monopoly impedes the growth of this wonderful little nation.

There is one phone company with land lines and its Belize Telemedia Limited. While I want to have respect for private enterprise. This is nuts. It's like the old AT&T days in the United States where you simply pay too much for too little. Pathetic.

Get this. My friends, who are hoteliers, are paying about $600.00 BZD ($300.00 USD) for a 1 Mb downstream connection EACH MONTH. It almost never runs at full speed and at times reminds me of a 128 kb connection at times. Sometimes it can stop altogether for hours. BTL also blocks Skype connections here. I'm sure that they'd have al sorts of bullshit to ladle out if they had to reply to these comments. Believe me though, it's crap.



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