Saturday, July 26, 2008

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

The carnitas were everything I expected and more. I had always avoided ordering the skin with the meat because it looks really gross. HOWEVER, it was explained to me that you eat a slice of the skin with the meat. The skin is basically a slice of salty fat. Pure bliss got better.

Last night we went to a salsa dance club in Celaya for Anna’s birthday party. Nice girl. It was actually a REALLY nice place and it’s been awhile since I’ve been frisked to get in a building. Celaya is an industrial city about 60 km from San Miguel de Allende. Apparently if you want something reasonably priced you’ll go shopping in Celaya instead of San Miguel de Allende.

I am a fish out of water. Everyone swished from side to side as they paraded about the room even a lot of the men. I’ve also never seen so many narcissistic effeminate men in one place. I want to leave them stranded at the bottom of Sotano de las Golandrinas to die. But Liz and all the hot chicks like salsa so here I go.
It’s soooooooooo different than my life for the last 15 years. Salsa has got to be one of the most romantic dances I’ve ever seen but it is complex. People dance for years to get this shit right but I do like it. My salsa is getting a little bit better but I’m splitting hairs. I suck. We got back at 4am. My de-worming process is now complete.

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