Sunday, July 27, 2008

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Yesterday was a pain in the ass. Liz was upset with me. Evidently I’m a bit overaggressive in bed and she feels used. I apologized when she started to cry. I almost always give in when they cry. I did the dirty for 30 minutes this time and tried not to pin her to the mattress. Anyway, she is now happy and smiling again.
Today I went in to pick up my FM3. I keep hearing horror stories about Mexican paperwork but I just don’t see it. These guys went out of their way to make sure I got my paperwork FASTER by one week. Now I have to go to Hacienda to finish up. I’m told by a local gal that it’ll only be a couple of days for that to go through. Then again, everyone tells me I’ll be raped, robbed, and murdered every time I go into a new area or country.

Oh yeah, I was just reminded about “bofe” (b??f?). This is truly one of the nastiest things I’ve seen in awhile and it’s edible. In other parts of Mexico you feed it to cats and it costs $10 pesos a kilo. Here, you fry it and somehow it magically goes to $120 pesos a kilo and YOU eat it. Mario just told me that it’s the lungs of cattle. It was black, SLIMY, and shriveled up and looked like the vanguard of an alien invasion. Liz wanted me to try some but I didn’t even want to kiss her after seeing this crap.

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