Tuesday, July 29, 2008

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Light night I ended up driving Liz around in pouring rain and large hail to try find Ulysses. The hail was bad enough that I wondered if the windows would shatter. He was late by about 2 ½ hours. Of course the kid had an excuse. He always does. I’ve decided that Ulysess is a shit bag. I’ve seen this pattern as a teacher; lazy, selfish, unfeeling, blames others, manipulation, lies, and poor grades to boot. He didn’t put himself in the place but the fact remains that he…..well…. is a shit bag.
His friends are the same ones as his booze serving coach (Manuel) so he ended up there after practice. Not even a fucking call from coach or son that he would be late. So there we were driving around.

As I’ve seen before, it starts with the parents. Liz tries her best to ignore it and deal with it. She wants me to ignore it too. It’s a mistake that will cost her boy dearly in the end. I KNOW why the neighborhood kids don’t seem to want him around. It’s also not hard to see why they chase him around the neighborhood for hours trying to kick his ass. Hell, I want to kick his ass. I confronted him later that evening and pretty much got in his face. He had no remorse for dragging us through this crap. I don’t think I want to be around her place much anymore. I left a 5am because I couldn’t sleep.

I’ve had a single mother for a girlfriend before. Cathy had two kids and they were straight from hell. She could never figure out why the kids were screwy. They are probably both shit bags too by now. I won’t get pulled down into that mess again. I’ve known guys in my position as well. You can’t correct the child because they don’t belong to you so you end up putting up with it ….or just leaving.

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