Wednesday, July 30, 2008

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

This morning I went to La Hacienda to get my RFC Number to collect taxes. I met Javier Salizar my new accountant there. Javier is Mario’s brother in law. He walked me through the process. I’m glad I had professional help for this part of the process. Next I set up a bank account with Bancommer. Later I went back to Migracion only to find that I had more paperwork. I should be completely done by Friday morning. I think I’m going to let Javier place the order for the receipts (facturas) so I don’t fuck it up. I realized that I am now officially a resident of Mexico. Cool! At least I’ll be legal in one of the countries.

Later I went to El Charco to meet Mario and make some calls on Skype. I’ve got a couple of projects running and needed to catch up with everyone. I wrapped things up with Susan at Casa Schuck on the phone too. I like her. I think that over time we’ll end up good friends. I talked with Nate too. He promised a working website to demonstrate our capabilities to the Belize Hotel Assocation by tonight.

Then it was time for Liz. I didn’t like ending things poorly with text messages. I went to El Charco’s tienda to talk. We came to the same conclusions. She wants me to show love and ignore his crap. I still want to show love by shoving my boot up his ass. In my opinion, sometimes you need to keep them in line long enough for love to take root. She said she needs time and it’s apparent. I’ll miss her. Two days until departure. My time in San Miguel is coming to a close.

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