Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico

I went into Teetotum today to get my emails and get my sample shot of Xel Ha done so I could upload it and the folks at Xel Ha would have something to show the suits in Cancun. Drew walked in and told me that Chris at Hidden Worlds wanted to speak to me too. Cool. I also walked back into Zama and spoke with Mara. I gave her a low ball price of $400.00 USD and the balance in trade. They have Salsa lessons there on Thursdays at 7:30pm. I’ll be there. She promised to dance with me too.

I’m beginning to figure out the pricing game in Mexico. If there isn’t a trade involved the price is too high. Then I sat down with Sergio and his crew and offered the same deal. I found out later that Sergio thought I said “for a hundred and trade”. That’s quite a bit different than “four hundred and trade”. I hope the rest of the guys heard it right. I did correct him and made sure he knew it was $400.00 USD for six shots. I’ll email the architect and confirm the whole thing.

I wish that I could get Richard (Teetotum) to listen to me but he politely keeps avoiding me. He’s a pretty cool kind of guy but I guess there’s still a bit too much city boy left in him to trust a stranger just a little bit. It’s really too bad since I was going to comp and trade the whole deal. I just wanted to do something for him and his wife since I’ve been hanging there and using the internet on the cheap.

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