Friday, September 5, 2008

Driving into Belize from the Northern Border

It?s really not too bad at all. Here?s how it works. You?ll head south
from Cancun toward Chetumal on Hwy 307. Be very careful on this road
since the locals really do call it ?La Carretera de Muerte? or the
Road of Death. I?ve personally seen some serious tragedies here.
You?ll head south for about 3 ½ hours. A few kilometers before getting
to Chetumal you?ll see a road heading south marked ?Belize?. It?s
pretty clear. You?ll gas up here at the PEMEX. The gas prices in
Belize are about double the prices in Mexico!
If you need to take care of your FM3 or passport there is a small
white immigration office on your right across from the Mexican Border
checkpoint. Next just drive through the booths and past the free trade
zone. There?s the Princess Casino here by the way. Less than a ½ mile
down the road you?ll see a set of booths again. Pull over on the side
of the road and park. It?s the Belize border. There?s a building to
the left of the booths. Go in it with your passport and title to your
vehicle (or whatever rental agreements you have). Usually there?s a
few scruffy guys outside trying to be official. They aren?t but can be
helpful for a tip ($10 MXP maximum). Oh yes, recently they?ll ask if
your vehicle has been sprayed for pests. It?s bullshit. Move on. The
guards all have uniforms by the way.

The immigration officials all speak English but also usually Spanish
as well. The first table is for immigration. You get up to 30 days in
Belize before you have to renew your visa. You can renew every 30
days. There is no entrance fee but it is $30.00 Belize for an exit
fee. They always are gruff and accusatory at first but do loosen up.
They mark your passport and you move on.
The next table behind it is for the importation of stuff in general.
You?ll step up to the desk and they will grill you again and then
loosen up. Just be polite and make sure your story is consistent. They
mark your passport again and fill out your paperwork. You?ll get a
little white piece of paper for temporary importation of the vehicle
for 30 days. There is no cost for a temporary importation permit. You
can renew at their discretion up to two more times for 30 days each
time. DO NOT LOOSE IT and DO NOT BE LATE RENEWING IT. They ask if you
are carrying any goods into the country that you will not take back.
You say no.
They now walk outside to see the vehicle and actually will do a short
inspection. They?ll ask if you are carrying any guns, drugs,
agricultural products, or alcohol. They?ve blown off my little nalgene
bottle full of whiskey before. It?s not bad. If it?s a nice vehicle
and you own it, someone will ask you a price. It?s just conversation
because getting a new vehicle in Belize is crazy expensive due to
Now it?s really a good idea to cross in by early afternoon since
you?ll need auto insurance. It?s mandatory in Belize but no in Mexico.
Go figure. See the two story white office building in front you now as
you pass through the gates? It?s the ?Insurance Corporation of
Belize?. There?s a door on the right front side of the building on the
first floor. Head toward it. There are different ones but I like these
guys. It costs $60.00 Belize for liability insurance. I don?t know if
you can get full coverage. You should check with your rental agency
before leaving Cancun.
You are now about 2 ½ hours from Belize City, 4 hours from San
Ignacio, and about 4.5 hours from Placentia. It?s officially a
?highway? but most of us would consider it a crappy county road.
There?s no yellow dividing line and really no shoulders most of the
time. The speeds of drivers can range tremendously from 40 mph to over
80 mph too.
You?ll have to head into Belize City to get anywhere else in the
country. By the way, Belize City is mostly safe but most violent
crimes in the country happen here. Be careful after dark. The rest of
Belize is awesome by the way. It?s about 185 miles from the PEMEX to
San Ignacio. Also everyone here speaks English except some of the
Chinese. For some reason there are shit loads of Chinese here and they
are slowly taking over Belize.

1 comment:

  1. Evidently auto insurance is manditory in Mexico. I think that it wasn't before but I guess that's changed. I saw a sign recently in Nuevo Leon that you must have auto insurance.
