Monday, September 22, 2008

San Ignacio, Belize: Belizean Independence Day

Yesterday was the 27th birthday of Belize.  Midas Resort decided to be part of the parade this year so I tagged along. It?s kind of interesting to note how patriotic Belizians really are. I?ve been here more than two weeks and I?ve seen butt loads of Belizian flags on cars and homes. Yesterday was almost unbearable. It?s definitely one tiny little country with a big heart.

The night before we had fireworks starting at midnight and followed by a small parade. Obviously, this practice wouldn?t go over big in the United States. I could imagine the reaction from the citizens as the horns go off and the loud explosions starting at midnight. I didn?t make it that far into the night to actually see them but I did HEAR them loud and clear. I had a deep tissue massage and a whiskey earlier and headed off the bed.

The big parade during the day started out at the police station in typical Belizean time about an hour late. We winded down the narrow little streets beeping horns blaring reggae music with the float of teenagers in front of us jumping up and down showering the crowd with candy. I handled my camera the entire time.  The parade continued until after dusk and terminated at the fair only to continue partying. 

I really think that this event shows Belizeans at their best. I really enjoy the interaction between the crowds and those in the parade. I think everyone that I've met in San Ignacio over three months was here. I'll have some shots posted in the next few days. It?s the same time every year on September 21st. You should go.


Benedict Kim

(501) 626-8701 Belize
(415) 101-1812 Mexico
(512) 228-0923 USA

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