Thursday, October 2, 2008

San Ignacio, Belize: It's definatly the Rainy Season

It's really been awhile since I've dealt with a true rainy season. The
other night while I sat down to eat with the Prestons, we soaked up
about 4 1/2" of rain in about an hour while we dined under a porch
roof. It was great! No hurricanes or tropical storms are causing this
downpour. I know that it's the rain forest but being here for a time
really drives the point home.

It's been raining a bit in Cayo District a little bit or more every
day and cloudy. We have two one way bridges to get in and out of San
Ignacio. The low one coming in from Belmopan has been underwater for
the last two weeks or so and periodically before that time. So we all
use the high bridge with traffic cops at each end alternating traffic.

I'd advise being here for the rainy season. I love it. However, be
ready for lots of water. August, September, and October take rain
gear. I go with synthetic materials across the board since they dry
quick in high humidity. Dress light or blow it off and just get wet.
It feels good.



Benedict Kim

(501) 626-8701 Belize
(415) 101-1812 Mexico
(512) 228-0923 USA

1 comment:

  1. I have to update this blog. It’s October and through this month Belize has been deluged with rain. A tropical depression swept around the southern tip of Belize into Guatemala and hooked around into the western portion of Belize….slowly. It left a wake of destruction in the form of flooding.

    I missed most of it since I was in San Pedro (Ambergris Caye) working. Driving back into Cayo after the rains was interesting. Many low lying areas along the western highway were submerged. For awhile, the Guatemalan border was closed since the roads leading to it were also underwater. San Ignacio was partially flooded out and left a mess. Everyone seemed to deal with it well though.

    If you want to buy property here, consider the possibility of your property flooding or perhaps the roadways to and from your property flooding out along with bridges. I’m not too sure about relying on the opinion of the locals or realtors either. A four wheel drive truck is really a good idea too. I don’t see a two wheel drive truck making it around in many places here in Cayo once you’re off the main roads.
