Saturday, October 18, 2008

San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize: Pelican Internet

Need to get online in San Pedro Town? I?ve found two cafes. Both are
on Barrier Reef Drive. Barrier Reef Drive is called Front Street by
the locals. Front Street is only seven blocks long and terminates on
both ends. It?s the first street you stumble onto when disembarking
the water taxis. Pelican Internet is on the ocean side and one block
north of Central Park.

The dozen machines are new and the service is as fast as the local
technology will allow. That?s about 512 kilobits per second. Welcome
to the year 1998. Be aware that the system for the entire country can
bog down when too many people are on the net. Anyway, the place is
clean but a bit plain, air conditioned, and the machines are fairly
new and set with comfortable headsets. One machine boasts Skype but
don?t count on it around here. BTL (telephone company and ISP) blocks

What sets this place aside from the competition? Booze! You can chug
an ice cold beer while cruising the internet. By the way, the legal
drinking age is 18 over here. Be aware that I did see four guys having
a beer in here at 9 am in the morning.
The internet service will set you back $1.00 BZX for each five
minutes. Go an hour and the price drops to $12.00 BZX / hour. The beer
will set you back $5.00 BZX. Mixed drinks are $5.00 BZX (for local
rum) and up. Open from 8am to 10 pm every day. (501)-206-2153


Benedict Kim

(501) 626-8701 Belize
(415) 101-1812 Mexico
(512) 228-0923 USA

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