Monday, December 29, 2008

One thing good about the USA...

MEAT.  Good old fashioned red meat.  Well marbled red meat. What I was really doing was testing out my new CF cards that I got on the cheap at Fry's Electronics. Damn. The 8 Gb CF Kingston cards were about $18.00 each. Another good thing about the USA is cheap electronics. They are definitely not the fastest cards around but damn they are cheap and they do work..... consistently.

I'll probably always have to migrate up to Texas once a year if not just to shop. I'm not sure that I have a choice in the matter. All the stuff I need is really just a lot less expensive here. I will, however, make sure that I gain at least a few pounds while visiting. Americans really don't know the bounty  and incredible quality enjoyed here. 

Anyway, back to MEAT. I found some steaks on sale yesterday. I bought three 1 1/2 pound rib steaks for about $12.00. Wonderful isn't it? I've eaten two in less than 24 hours with a BLT, a hamburger, and a 12 oz. pack of bacon. I'm going to die of gout and I'm quite pleased with myself.

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